Linton’s Carson Brown named Lilly Scholar

By Sabrina Stockrahm, Editor at Greene County Daily World

Greene County Foundation Program Manager Katie Stout presents the Lilly Scholarship to Carson Brown.
Photo by By Sabrina Stockrahm, Editor at Greene County Daily World

A Linton-Stockton High School student was named the 2020 Greene County Lilly Endowment Community Scholar.

Linton’s Carson Brown was surprised by his family and members of the Greene County Foundation Wednesday morning to provide the full-ride scholarship.

Carson said he was a little confused when he was pulled from the class where he was teaching a group of seventh graders. He was then guided to the high school’s media center, where his parents, brother and grandparents were waiting to surprise him.

Carson Brown was surprised to see his family in the media center after high school principal Alicia Cornelius and counselor Briana Wigington pulled him out of class.
Photo by By Sabrina Stockrahm, Editor at Greene County Daily World

The Greene County Foundation’s Program Manager Katie Stout said Brown was among 36 students who applied for the scholarship in Greene County, and the committee was very pleased with his application.

“I was wondering why I had to come to the media center, then I saw Katie (Stout) and I had a feeling,” Brown said with a smile.

Brown said receiving this scholarship means a lot to him as he continues to work toward his dream of becoming a pediatrician.

Carson Brown (center) poses with Greene County Foundation Executive Director Sherri Knieriem, Program Manager Katie Stout and his parents, Jeremy and Jennifer Brown.
Photo by By Sabrina Stockrahm, Editor at Greene County Daily World

“I’ve put in a lot of hard work and this will help my parents out. I’m glad I can use my skills to help,” Brown said.

His goal is to attend either Indiana University or Purdue University to become a pediatrician.

“If you would have asked me when I was younger, there is no way I would have said I was interested in the medical field. But, a few years ago, I got to see how people in the medical fieldwork,” Brown said.

Carson Brown
Photo by By Sabrina Stockrahm, Editor at Greene County Daily World

He offered a thank you to his family, friends and music director, who have all continued to support him.

Brown’s parents, Jeremy and Jennifer Brown, said they are very proud of their son and all that he does.

“Sometimes it’s too much, but he gets it done,” Jeremy said with a laugh.

Jeremy added, “We are excited for him. He’s been talking about this all week. He knew they were supposed to announce this week. It was hard to know and not tell him.”

Jennifer said their son puts in a lot of community service hours and enjoys helping people.

“We are really proud of him and the way he handles himself,” Jennifer said.

The Greene County Foundation provided more information about Brown and the Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship in a press release:

One Greene County student has been named the recipient of a four-year, full-tuition scholarship as the 2020 Greene County Lilly Endowment Community Scholar.

Carson Brown will receive full tuition to his choice of any accredited public or private nonprofit college or university in Indiana, as well as a yearly stipend of up to $900 for required books and equipment.

Carson is a senior at Linton-Stockton High School and lives in Linton. He is the son of Jeremy and Jennifer Brown. He is involved in Greene County 4-H, National Honor Society, Junior Civitan, Future Farmers of America, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Band, Choir, History Club; and Golf and Tennis. He’s volunteered with Be The Light Bible Study, Highway 111 Youth Group, Salt and Light Ministries, Toys of Tots Bell Ringing, and Fields of Faith.

Greene County Foundation’s Scholarship Committee, composed of volunteer members from throughout the county, selected 5 finalists to interview from a total of 36 completed applications. Finalists were forwarded to Independent Colleges of Indiana, Inc. (ICI) for final selection of the recipient. ICI is a nonprofit corporation that represents 30 regionally accredited, degree-granting, nonprofit independent colleges and universities in the state of Indiana and is also the statewide administrator of the program.

The primary purposes of the Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship Program are 1) to help raise the level of educational attainment in Indiana; 2) to increase awareness of the beneficial roles Indiana community foundations can play in their communities; and 3) to encourage and support the efforts of current and past Lilly Endowment Community Scholars to engage with each other and with Indiana business, governmental, educational, nonprofit and civic leaders to improve the quality of life in Indiana generally and in local communities throughout the state.

The Greene County Foundation exists for charitable individuals to leave a lasting legacy to the community they love. Through the establishment of endowments, donors can forever support the causes important to them. The Greene County Foundation holds over $10 million in assets and has had a charitable impact in every school, library, and community in Greene County. The Foundation annually awards nearly $400,000 in grants through fund payouts, competitive grants, and student scholarships. For more information, visit or call (812) 659-3142.