The Greene County Foundation recently held a luncheon for its Designated Grant Recipients. Representatives from 22 organizations, along with donors and Foundation board members, attended the luncheon on April 20th.

Designated funds are created by donors or agencies to provide ongoing funding for the mission of the organizations they support, and each year, the Foundation disburses a percentage of these funds to the recipients. The principal remains invested, ensuring that these funds continue to support local organizations for years to come.

This year, the Foundation awarded almost $120,000 to 44 local organizations across the county. Program Manager Katie Stout said, “Today would not be possible without donors who believe in the mission of your organizations.”

The following organizations received designated grants:

  • 4-H Clubs of Greene County received a payout from the Powers 4-H Fund
  • Bloomfield First Baptist Church received a payout from the Bloomfield First Baptist Church Fund and the Bloomfield First Baptist Church Child Care Fund
  • Bloomfield-Eastern Greene County Library received a payout from the Linton Elks Fund
  • Carnegie Heritage & Arts Center of Greene County received a payout from the Carnegie Heritage and Arts Center Fund
  • Clayton Family Cemetery received a payout from the Clayton Family Cemetery Fund
  • Clothe-A- Child received a payout from the Jerry and Caroll Bays Fund
  • Eastern Greene Schools received a payout from the Eastern Greene Legacy 50 Thunderbird Fund and the Emily Speer Memorial Fund
  • Friends of Goosepond received a payout from the Friends of Goosepond Endowment Fund
  • Generations received a payout from the Generations Fund
  • German Memory Hill Cemetery received a payout from the German Memory Hill Cemetery Fund
  • Greene County Historical Society received a payout from the Pioneer Families Memorial Fund
  • Greene County Humane Society received a payout from the Greene County Humane Society Fund
  • Greene County Literacy Coalition Inc. received a payout from the Greene County Literacy Fund
  • Greene County Shrine Club received a payout from the Greene County Shrine Club Fund
  • Greene County Soccer Association received a payout from the Greene County Soccer Association Endowment in memory of Norma Evans
  • Greene County Voices for Kids received a payout from the Voices for Kids Fund
  • Habitat for Humanity received a payout from the Habitat for Humanity Fund
  • Indiana Forestry Educational Foundation received a payout from the IFEF Endowment Fund and IFEF Growth Fund
  • Indiana Military Museum received a payout from the United States Submarine Veterans-Hoosier Base-SSN 697 Fund
  • Jasonville Public Library received a payout from the Linton Elks Fund
  • Jasonville Senior Citizens Center received a payout from the Smithville Senior Centers Endowment
  • Linton Civitan received a payout from the Linton Civitan Fund
  • Linton Public Library received a payout from the Linton Elks Fund
  • Linton-Stockton High School Athletic Department received a payout from the Linton-Stockton High School Athletic Fund
  • Linton-Stockton School Corporation received a payout from the Wayne Pope Teachers’ Fund
  • Lyons Fire Department received a payout from the Lyons Fire Department Fund
  • Middle Way House, Inc received a payout from the Middle Way House Fund
  • MSD of Shakamak received a payout from the Linda Pope Hert Teachers’ Fund, Robert Bingham Endowment Fund, and Wilburn “Dutch” and Juanita Rowe Fund
  • Open Arms Christian Ministries received a payout from the Open Arms Endowment Fund
  • Owensburg Cemetery Association received a payout from the Morris Hudson Memorial Fund and Owensburg Cemetery Endowment Fund
  • Phil Harris Charities received a payout from the Phil Harris Charities Fund
  • Phil Harris Golf Course received a payout from the Tom Hilderbrand Memorial Fund
  • Prairie Chapel Cemetery, Inc. received a payout from the Prairie Chapel Cemetery Endowment
  • Prairie Chapel Church received a payout from the Prairie Chapel Church Fund
  • Saron United Church of Christ received a payout from the Saron Church Paul Bauch Fund and Saron United Church of Christ Linton Fund
  • Shawnee Theatre of Greene County, Inc. received a payout from the Shawnee Theatre Fund
  • SON Ministries, Inc. received a payout from the Son Ministries Food Pantry Fund
  • Town of Bloomfield received a payout from the Helen Hunter Town of Bloomfield Fund
  • Town of Lyons received a payout from the Russel and Eva Powers Lyons Fund and the Steward Lyons-Washington Township Fund
  • Wagler Education and Training Center received a payout from the High School Equivalency Fund
  • Walnut Grove Church received a payout from the Walnut Grove Fellowship Building Fund
  • White River Valley School District received a payout from the Dr and Mrs R W Powers Trip Fund and the Wilburn “Dutch” and Juanita Rowe Fund
  • Worthington Jefferson Township Public Library received a payout from the Linton Elks Fund
  • Worthington Senior Center received a payout from the Smithville Senior Centers Endowment

If you would like to contribute to these funds, you can make a gift online through PayPal at or by mailing a check payable to the Greene County Foundation, 4513 W State Road 54, Bloomfield, IN 47424. Please put the fund name on the memo line. If you have questions, please contact the office at 812.659.3142 or