Your Gift will Double

Now is the best time in the last 13 years to consider a gift to  the Foundation.  Gifts to an existing or new unrestricted fund  will be matched $1.00 for $1.00 through 3/31/16.  That's three tax years to contribute, get a deduction AND a 100% match.  Your donation is doubled and...

IRS Compliance Guide for Not for Profits

This is the official IRS Guide   [PDF]  Publication 4221-PC (Rev. 7-2009) This covers:   activities that may jeopardize a charity's exempt status   Federal information returns, tax returns or notices that must be filed Recordkeeping, why, what, when Governance considerations Changes to be reported to the IRS Required public disclosures Resources...

Memorial Contributions

Memorial or Honorius Contributions to the Greene County Foundation can be made in lieu of flowers and provide ongoing financial support for many charitable organizations. It is one of several ways to leave a lasting difference in one’s community.   From 1/1/13-5/25/3  the following contributions have been received. Memorial Gifts for...

Civitan Leadership Camp Application

2013 Delegate Application Information Packet - With Club Sponsor This camp is open to high school students in  Greene County interested in learning about themselves and others.   The week long camp is held in Michigan during July,  with an emphasis on sharing about yourself and learning to appreciate the differences...

Foundation Announces New Scholarships

The Greene County Foundation is making an effort to help college students stay in school by targeting several scholarships to upper level college students.  The Helen Hunter Scholarship fund will provide scholarships to students in their junior and senior years at four year schools and one scholarship to a student...

2013 Outstanding Ladies Luncheon

Fifteen local women were honored at a luncheon on March 9th  hosted by the Greene County Foundation.    “Greene County has a wealth of talented and community minded women  which we like to honor during National Women’s History month.”  Said Cam Trampke, Executive Director of the Foundation.     “ This is always...