Where Do My Donations Go?

As a donor you decide where your donations are to be spent and as a donor you can have as much or as little involvement as you wish.  There are a variety of tax saving vehicles that allow the donor to receive income while making charitable contributions.  A variety of...

Community Building Renovation a GO!

IT'S A GO!!!! The Greene County Council Voted to Appropriate Cum Cap and $100,000 from Riverboat to go along with close to $500,000 in pledges to make the renovation of the Greene County Community Bldg at the 4-H fairgrounds a reality! Thanks go out to The Commissioners Office and Rick...


Established in 1997, the Greene County Foundation serves the people of the Greene County community as a public charity. A volunteer board of directors governs the Foundation, whose makeup is as diverse as the community it serves. The Foundation has more than $5 million in assets and has granted more...